Return to the Ice

After a gap of 545 days Falkirk CC returned to the Ice for the 2021/22 opening bonspiel where teams competed for the Nimmo medal. Team I. Ferguson, K. Hutton, G. Bellingham & D. Westall came out on top with a 11-3 victory.

On league duty it was the team skipped by Jim Urquhart that opened with a strong performance over the team of Ken Hutton in the A League to be the early leader. After losing a three in the second end, they went on to win the next five ends unanswered to win the match 11-3.

In the B League a close game was fought in the NCA. An early two for Callum McInnes almost ended in disaster in the third end as Ian Ferguson lay six counters with skip stones still to be delivered, however Callum managed to hold out for a single. After the fourth end the team skipped by Ferguson led 4-3, followed by a strong fifth end with Callum scoring a strong four. After a measure in the sixth saw Iain only score a single handshakes, or fists bumps, ended the match 7-5.

In the Small Clubs, first up for Falkirk was the Kelpie Derby against Grangemouth. Falkirk still finding their feet from such a long curling absence lost a three in the first end. However a strong fight back saw the Falkirk team skipped by Fraser Sutherland win five of the next six ends to win the match 6-4. Falkirk were in a strong lead at the end of the incomplete 2019/20 competition and will have hopes for a strong performance again this season.

In the Forth Valley Knock Out Falkirk took on Strathendrick Curling Club from Central Province. The team skipped by Alastair Gray started strongly and had carved out a 7-4 lead going into the last end. However some clever guarding saw team Strathendrick manage a four in the seventh end to win out 8-7 and an abrupt end to our Area knock out hopes in the first round.

Up for the Cup!

This season’s Beeby Trophy saw four rinks battle it out to lift the coveted cup in a pre-festive ice-off. In the semi-finals, the afternoon rink of J. Urquhart beat K. Hutton’s team 8-5 for a place in the final. The evening fixture saw I. Ferguson’s rink overcome the squad lead by C. MacInnes in a close encounter 6-5. The final on the 19th December saw the team of I. Ferguson, K. Spence, S. Alexander and G. Johnstone beat team Urquhart 6-2 to take home the trophy.

The afternoon A-League remains a tight contest with team Urquhart a nose in front on ends on a record of 3 wins to 3 losses. However, both team McNee (3-2) and Hutton (2-3) are close behind. All to play for!

The B-League, by contrast, has seen an early leader dominate with team Ferguson 3-0 at the turn of the year. Team MacInnes are 1-2 and Spence 1-3.

In November two teams from Falkirk CC played in the Dunn Trophy neither able to secure a win and the club ending up 6th out of 9 teams after scoring 6 ends. Congratulations to team Kilsyth who took the trophy with a score of 10 ends.

In the small clubs league, Falkirk CC continues the blistering pace set at the start of the season with a very impressive seven wins out of eight games. The most recent result an 11-2 win against Grangemouth making it a double victory against the ‘Kelpie’ rivals in this seasons league. Dunblane remain the closest markers with 6 wins so far, although an impressive tie-breaker shots up tally of +42 for Falkirk compares to Dunblane’s +7. Falkirk will be hoping to exact revenge on Bonnybridge on the 30th January as the only team to beat the Bairns in the league this season.

In October we learned of the sad passing of club member Jim Marvin. Jim had a very cheery nature which will be much missed. He was an extremely keen curler to be on the ice, even in his later months despite his deteriorating health.

Jim Marvin (2nd from right) at 2018 club dinner.

Prize Dinner 2019

On the 27th September Falkirk Curling Club members and guests gathered for the annual dinner and prize giving. Thanks to those who contributed raffle prizes through which we raised an impressive £90 for the club. The full results of the prizes awarded are listed below.

A League 2018/19 K Hutton (Skip), D Westall & E Sutherland
B League 2018/19 K Hutton & K Welton. [C MacInnes (skip) & J Marvin]
Beeby Trophy 2018/19 K Spence, I Fergsuon, D Westall [C MacInnes (skip)]
Bonspiel (Nimmo Medal) 2018/19 F Sutherland [M Daly (Skip), D Steel & S Alexander)
Pairs 2018/19 R Stewart & D Westall
Points 2018/19 I Ferguson
Points Handicap 2018/19 D Peters

League duty returns and points test

Falkirk CC league season openers saw four teams battle for an early lead in the hunt for league medals.

The afternoon A-League saw reigning medal holding skip Ken Hutton take on team skipped by Jim Urquhart. After an initial score of one in the first by team Hutton, it was team Urquhart that took command. Seven shots over four ends unanswered saw them open an impressive six shot cushion. However undeterred team Hutton threatened a late comeback with a three in the sixth end before Urquhart sealed the win and two points with a single in the final end.

In the evening B-league team Ferguson and MacInnes graced the National Curling Academy ice for some Friday evening curling. The game opened in close style with Ferguson scoring a two while holding the hammer in the first with MacInnes replying with a one in the second. An impressive well guarded house in the third end saw team Ferguson open a strong lead with a score of three before stealing singles in both the fourth and fifth ends. With a six point deficit in the sixth and much to do skip MacInnes attempted a long run back with the last stone of the sixth end but failed to to score leaving another steal for team Ferguson, this time for four followed by handshakes. Team Ferguson takes a strong opening fixture win with two points, five ends and 11 shots on the board.

Eleven players from Falkirk and Grangemouth CC took to the ice for an annual points competition. Across seven different disciplines it was a closely competed competition with Malcolm Duncan getting the best score of the night with 30 points. Followed by Fraser Sutherland with a score of 29 points, Kevin Spence and Ian Ferguson tied for third with 24 points. The points handicap was won by David Westall with a handicap score of 34.

Meanwhile in the small clubs competition Falkirk CC continued their strong start to the season with team Ferguson continuing with a strong win over Dunblane 13-2, including a first end score of seven, and another win over Tobrex 8-4. Team MacInnes also saw off a challenge from Bonnybridge CC in the other September fixture. There was less to cheer for however in the Forth Valley Area knock-out as Falkirk CC were dispatched in the first round by Dryme and in the Stirlingshire Province KO Falkirk were defeated by Kilsyth.

Season kicks off

While outside the mercury reached late August record levels it was time to brave the ice and start the 2019/20 curling season!

First up Falkirk opened their small clubs season against neighbours and defending champions Grangemouth in a ‘Kelpie Derby’. An overswept final stone in second end by the Bairns saw Grangemouth steal and take a three shot lead. Falkirk hit back as skip Ferguson played an angled run-back amongst a well guarded house with the final stone to nip out the Grangemouth scorer for a well deserved end. The teams then traded deuces before the deciding end saw Falkirk steal a four and seal an opening day win 8-5.

In the second August fixture of the small clubs league Falkirk froze out Laurieston & Zetland. Giving the club a strong start to the season.

The 2019 Opening Bonspiel saw seventeen(!) Falkirk players take to the Peak Ice for an enjoyable evening of curling. With each team playing each other over two ends it was the team skipped by C McInnes who opened an early lead scoring a five in the first end. By the final end it was a tie on “shots up” as the Bonspiel is scored – with two teams on +3. It took two tiebreaks to separate the team, K Hutton’s team losing out to C McInnes, K Spence, D Steel & K Welton in the end. Both teams were closely followed by team skipped by J Urquhart with +2 shots up. The team lead by I Ferguson carrying the broken brush on -8. The teams will regather for the clubs 2020 closing bonspiel in March where the overall aggregate best scorers across the two bonspiels will win the Nimmo medal. All to play for!

Two hundred years of curling in Falkirk

Originally published in the Falkirk Herald, March 2017

By Ian Scott

On Friday last I had the pleasure of attending the 200th anniversary dinner of Falkirk Curling Club in the Leapark.

It was an excellent evening well in keeping with the social gatherings (and the generous purvey) which seemed to distinguish the club from the start if the surviving minutes are to be believed.

The founders of ‘Society’ as it was then called gathered first in the Red Lion on February 23, 1816 and ever since their successors have assembled regularly to enjoy food, drink, good company and even the occasional spot of curling!

The Falkirk of 1816 was little more than a village with around 5000 inhabitants. Most activities were related to agriculture like brewing, distilling, weaving, baking or tanning and there was no police force or courthouse and no elected council.

What power there was lay in the hands of our old friends the stentmasters elected by the craftsmen and merchants whose main claim to fame was the erection of the new steeple in 1814.

Several members were involved in starting the curling society including Thomas Johnston whose family became, and remain, publishers of the Falkirk Herald.

There were far fewer sporting activities available then and curling was very popular all over the land – the Kilsyth club had been playing on the Colzium estate pond since 1716!

For nearly a century the curlers depended on their old friend ‘Jack Frost’ (the subject of a special toast last week) and when he did provide, the great and good made a beeline for Callendar Loch or the purpose built curling ponds at Cobblebrae, Comely Place or Bells Meadow.

Here for decades fierce battles were fought with other enthusiasts of the ‘roaring game’ from Camelon, Stenhousemuir or Banknock who were the local superstars.

The opening of Scotland’s first ice-rink at Crossmyloof in 1909 offered curlers a new solution to the vagaries of the Scottish weather but local clubs had to wait until the 1930s to get an indoor venue nearer home.

It started with a surprise victory for the British ice hockey team in the 1936 winter Olympics. This prompted a rush to create new venues and in Falkirk an alliance of curlers, skaters and hockey enthusiasts made the case for a local ice rink. George Strang’s farm at Randyford was purchased for £40,000 and by the end of 1938 the familiar building on Grangemouth Road was ready.

On November 30 the Earl of Stair, president of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, threw the first stone and Falkirk Ice Rink was officially open. For the next 40 years this was the Falkirk club’s home until it closed down and in 1981 the curlers moved to Williamfield in Stirling.

Since 2009 they have been based at the Peak also in Stirling but it would be nice to think that they might one day return to a new ice-rink of our own, back to the town that gave birth to the club two centuries ago.

To mark the bicentenary the club has published an excellent account of their history compiled from the minutes by David Westall.

It is a fascinating read and a window on the changing world in which succeeding generations of curlers went about their sport and social pleasure.

The most striking thing emerging from the records and indeed from last Friday’s gathering in the Leapark, is the strong bond of friendship that has existed since those first gatherings and remains two centuries later among the ‘knights of the broom’.

Long may they continue to guard, draw and sweep and celebrate their wins and losses round the groaning table!

New Website

For the start of the 2019/20 Falkirk Curling club is launching a new website to keep members up to date with fixtures, results and the latest news.